I am going to try this whole blogging thing again. I feel like we have a pretty, fun, and interesting life so we should share it with others. I am very entertained reading other people's blogs, but for some reason just find it to be so much work when doing my own. I do see the benefits in having it though. Especially with baby number two I am constantly trying to think back to how it was with the first one and the tricks we did, milestones, etc. If I had something like this I think it would help.
Probably won't be that in depth, but I am going to give it a try and see how it goes :)
I worked a half a day today. I really don't mind working all that much, but like I always tell Seth,
"My best day at work still doesn't compare to my worst day at the house!". I just really enjoy being home with my girls!! Speaking of my girls, they are doing very well. Neela is now 16.5 lbs, I can't believe it! Stevie is only like 22 lbs so that means they are 15 months apart but only 5.5 lbs apart. At this rate, Stevie Joy will catch up to her very quickly.
The girls are so different, like night and day. Stevie is much more "things HAVE to go her way" type of baby and Neela is a "laid back" kind of baby. Here is a typical example: the other morning getting ready for church Neela was lying on her blanket in the middle of the floor cooing and giggling at who knows what playing all by herself just as happy as can be while Stevie on the other hand had to follow me around and let me know that she wanted to watch a show, then proceeded to "tell me" (by whining) that the show I put on for her was not the right show so we had to go through the DVR library to see what she wanted to watch :) Then she wanted her juice....you get the picture? I am interested to see how Neela will be at the toddler age. I know you are suppose to love every age, but the baby stage still isn't my favorite. Well actually I really love it when they first come home from the hospital and you get to spoil them and just hold a sweet baby all day. And you are still healing so no one expects you to do anything either. So basically your full time job is to hold, nurse, and love on this sweet little baby that you have been "cooking" inside of you for nine months! I love it! Definitely one of my fav. stages, but then after about 2 weeks, I start lying them down for naps and training them to be independent sleepers meaning they learn to put themselves to sleep with no props. Neela is so awesome at this! In fact she won't even go to sleep if you are holding her (kinda bad when you are at a public place and you need to hold her for her nap, basically impossible!)
Well Seth is wanting some alone time now that he is through with his stuff on his computer, let's see how this blogging goes from here on out :P