Monday, April 13, 2009

Walking! YaY!!

Stevie Joy has finally decided to walk. She has literally been at the "almost" walking stage for longer than I have seen any other baby. She has always reached all of her milestones way early (sitting up, rolling over, crawling, etc.). The day she started crawling she also started pulling up and cruising, we just knew she would walk early. However, she just really enjoyed crawling soooo much that she decided to stick with that. Everyone always says that mommies shouldn't rush the whole walking thing because it is more difficult having a baby that can walk, but I don't really see how. For one, she would always hold out her hand and want me to walk her around the house and she was never was satisfied with one (or 4+ laps). And for two, she would WANT to get down whenever I was holding her, but I couldn't let her bc she couldn't just walk around (and a baby can't crawl on dirty floors). So far I have not been sad about the fact that she is walking. With this big 'ol belly always in the way and no hips to rest a baby's butt on, I am happy to let her roam around on her own and explore and not tote her around EVERYWHERE, I mean at least now I have a choice, whereas b4 all I could do is hold her. Also, I really wanted her to walk b4 Neela came (10 more weeks!!). I think it came at a good time, she started walking the day before Easter so she was able to walk around and hunt eggs and my parents got to see her walk which is really exciting. My dad said that I was walking at 9 months and Seth's mom said that he was walking at 17 months! So I guess that 12 months is a good in between age! Whenever I find my camera I will post some pics of her walking and try to do a video for ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. yay for stevie!!!! i totally agree with you...i think i'll be excited when that day comes for us :) you'll probably be more sad about Neela walking since she is the youngest ya know?
