Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Story

Seth and I knew each other in high school, but I thought that he was pretty much a goody goody dork! I was kinda a partier/bad girl type back then (I know it's so hard to believe now). Anyways he does admit that he knew who I was and had a mini crush on me and even waited for me to walk by to my bus just to catch a glimpse at me, isn't that sweet**.

I went through a pretty rebellious stage for about 2 years after high school (I am down playing it really, I was VERY rebellious!). I did have a guy friend whose girlfriend was "not so rebellious" and we ended up being pretty good friends with one another. That's how Seth and I met (through her, April). We were asked by her boyfriend to throw her a surprise birthday party. We had never really even hung out all that much or knew each other, but you would never had known that by looking at us....we had a BLAST!! It was so much fun. He ended up staying at my house and hanging out all the time after that. I did not have any desire what so ever to date him, but I did think hanging out with him sober was just as much fun hanging out with all my other friends being "not so sober".

How I looked when we first started hanging out

We were inseparable for a year. He did finally start to develop feelings for me when we went on a road trip, he saw me playing with some kids that had some sort of disabilities and he said that he instantly fell in love with me. He did not tell me right away though. He waited until we got back from the trip. He dropped me off at my house one night (he use to drive a Volkswagon bus) and left a note inside my purse that expressed his love for me! OMG< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgvrb0U0PMob4q6B6xbvC2tGPr8bb0aJvVwghFjWQTEdGCM1hz2-DNIQ3jUwI8YOQKIiS5I_pWk2pHncGdVcU8TopWXdaeTLsnNRHPHhcraIeOONzAFVkCMNrUYcqyfi1cRq4zxNJLEdns/s1600/seth+dumb.jpg">
The kids with disabilities that I was playing with when he fell in love with me
Us in the bus

A while went by before we could really hang out again, I think actually like a few months, which was really tough considering we were each others best friend and we hung out together everyday. I am not sure how we got to hanging out again, I think I just called him and asked him to come over b/c my parents were out of town and I was having some friends over. He came and I think we both just missed our friendship so much that we just "Made" it happen and not be weird.
Things were back to normal, Thank God! and speaking of God, I was starting to really get back to wanting a relationship with Him. I had gone to church with Seth a couple of times at his church and immediately fell in love with everything about it and everything about Jesus. I was really happy :)
We helped one of our friends move into her new apartment one night. Seth picked me up (oh yeah I guess I should mention that I lost my license for 6 months due to a speeding ticket and I lived ALL the way out in Hahira so it was hard to find rides most of the time, but Seth was always willing to come and get me no matter what, and his bus only drove like 50 mph max, so it took him forever to get out there to my house, isn't he an angel?). When he picked me up, I was wearing some "moving man" clothes (overalls, rugged shirt, painted on beard and mustache). We were always doing silly stuff like that. Anyways, we helped her move and ended up lying on the floor in her apartment living room taking a break. We were lying close to each other and talking and then suddenly the moment came that I NEVER thought would EVER happen, I wanted to kiss Seth!! It was crazy! We kissed, and at that exact moment we just knew, I know it sounds so cliche but it's the absolute truth!! After the kiss he told me how pretty I was, which is so random to me, b/c no one had ever really told me that I was "pretty" after kissing me. It was really sweet. I fell in love with him after one kiss, he is a good kisser. I must be one too because a little while after kissing, he threw up because he said that he was just so excited to finally have me. The next day, he asked me to marry him! How crazy is that! and I said, YES, how even crazier is that!??!? I guess when you know you know :)

Us on a date, we got all dressed up and walked around down town (this is actually my mom's wedding dress)

We couldn't tell everyone in the same day that we decided that we now "like" each other and are dating, that also by the way we are getting married. They would've thought we were nuts!! So we had to have a month or two to be "dating", which really we were engaged (for real, he bought me a ring and all that same day!). We did tell everyone we were getting engaged and that we were getting married. People still thought we were nuts, but oh well! My sister actually did not even believe us, even on the day of our wedding she was still so sure that we were playing a joke on everyone, I am a pretty big prankster, but that would have been a mighty big joke :)
I loved our wedding, Seth actually should take most of the credit for it, he was the director/designer/groom/everything!!

Our wedding:
We had a sixties themed wedding, because no one really had much money and we thought it would be really fun this way :) There was face painting, beads, hair braiding, tie dye, the whole sixties package, It was a blast!! We always talk about how it is our funnest day EVER!! I love my husband more than words can say, he is my best friend, soul mate, walking partner in life!! He's the best and I thank God for him everyday (and for my change in heart).

We will post other entry about our wedding story and honeymoon later... Stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. YAY FOR BLOGGING!!!! DOUBLE YAY for the fun story!!! :) I love hearing about you guys in the early days. I remember when you guys came over to Zach's rental house and told us you were dating and engaged...I was sooo jealous b/c I wanted to be engaged so bad and you got to be engaged one day into dating! haha. I remember when you guys would come hang out and I'd have "girl talk" with you and try to see if you liked Seth and you said "no" so I didn't believe you when you were dating/engaged haha. Seriously, I have NEVER met a couple more perfect for each other! You both inspire me so much and I really love me some Megows ;)
